Icecream Cake

This recipe is inspired from Food Goddess Nigella Lawson. The moment I watched this recipe I became a complete fan of it and tried this recipe immediately.

I have used some ingredients that are easily available in India and yet this recipe tastes delicious.

Let’s get into the recipe and enter the world of yummylicious!

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For cake:

1 and a half litre Vanilla Ice Cream

150 gm Bourbon Bicuits

40 five star chocolate

200 gm choco chips

For butterscotch sauce:

2 tbsp butter

2 drops of vinegar

3 tbsps powdered sugar

2 tbsps honey

125 ml cream


1. Take Bourbon biscuits and 5 star chocolate in a polythene cover and crush biscuits and chocolate so that they form small chunks.

2. Take vanilla ice cream in a bowl and mix Bourbon biscuits and 5 star chocolate chunks in it.

3. Mix choco chips in the bowl.

5. Put the icecream in a tin and refrigerate it for 2-3 hours.

6. Heat a pan and add butter.

7. Add sugar and honey to the pan, mix and let it bubble.

8. Add vinegar and cream. Mix thoroughly.

9. Allow the sauce to cool down and then refrigerate it.

10. Serve the ice-cream by pouring Butterscotch sauce over it.

Happy Cooking!

And a very Happy New Year! :)


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